Thailand Trav-E-Logs©

Ayuthaya  Ayuthaya by Night
 back: Return to Bangkok Ayuthaya by Night

Hi Folks,

Took a short trip up to the old Capital of Thailand and spent a few days 
taking in the sights. The walled city of Ayuthaya was the administrative 
center of Siam for over 400 years, so many ruins of temples, monasteries, 
and other religious structures can still be visited today. 

September 1 - 2, 2003

The easiest way to see this historic location is to rent a bicycle for a couple of days and enjoy the fresh air while peddling from sight to sight. Elephants were commonly used as a beast of burden during the Ayuthaya years, so visiting the corral northeast of town is part of the experience.

Tony's Guest House offers a night tour of the ruins that are nicely illuminated at night. Tour includes a run down on the significance of several sites.

Photos, clockwise from upper right: Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon, built in 1357; School Boys at Wat Phra Si Sanphet; Yai Chai Mongkhon; Buddha Head in Bodhi Tree; Ayuthaya Ruins by Night; Elephant Corral; Wat Thammikarat; Wat Mahathat; Wat Ratchaburana; Wat Chai Wattanaram.

 Wat Chai Wattanaram  Wat Ratchaburana  Wat Mahathat  Wat Thammikarat
 Wai Chai Mongkhon  School Boys at Wat Phra Si Sanphet  Wai Chai Mongkhon  Buddha Head in Bodhi Tree  Ayuthaya Ruins by Night  Elephant Corral




Email me at the address "dancer2SEAsia"

"It you don't travel, you ain't seen nothin'."
next: Kanchanaburi

back: Return to Bangkok


2003 Trav-E-Logs