Thailand Trav-E-Logs ©

Another Bangkok Start

 Night Celebration
back: 2006 index page   Celebrating the King's accession to the thrown.

Hi Folks,
After 6 months in Southeast Asia, went home to visit family (including first 
grandson), see friends, file taxes, check on "things", and then booked 
another flight to Bangkok. This time, 12-month open return, so finally should 
be able to complete the Grand Tour of Southeast Asia. 

May, 2006

"What color are you?" That question to a Thai means, "On what day of the week were you born?" Just in case you don't know your color, here is the code*:

  1. Sunday - Red
  2. Monday - Yellow
  3. Tuesday - Pink
  4. Wednesday - Green
  5. Thursday - Orange
  6. Friday - Blue
  7. Saturday - Violet

The King was born on a Monday, so yellow becomes the color of royal celebrations. You may have seen TV news coverage recently of massive crowds wearing yellow polo shirts to show respect for the longest reigning monarch in the world. Wonder why you see guys wearing pink? It just may mean the photo was taken on a Tuesday, or that they were born on a Tuesday. After all, you have a one in seven chance of being born on a Tuesday.

Photos, clockwise from the top: 'Love the King' tees; Chao Phraya Express; New Buddhas for Taewez Temple; My Favorite Bridge; Mobile Fruit Stand near Khao San Road; Durian - King of Fruit; Selling Gold Fish; Tallest Standing Buddha in Bangkok; Temple grounds.

 Temple Grounds
 Tallest Standing Buddha in Bangkok
Street Seller Offers Fish
 'Love the King' tees

 Chao Phraya Express

 New Buddhas

Bridge over the Chao Phraya

 Fruit is Always For Sale

 Preparing Durian, the King of Fruit




* Wikipedia can be used to determine a day of the week -- it links to a calendar for any given year.

Questions? Email me at the address dancer2SEAsia.

"Travel is Fatal to Bigotry, Prejudice, and Narrow-minded ness" .... attributed to Mark Twain

next: Keng Tung, Myanmar

back: 2006 index page


2006 Trav-E-Logs