Over Seas Backpacking ...
not for everyone.
Thanks Cliff ...
Prior Trav-E-Log:Back in Bali
One Backpackers Thoughts ... What will I do next time? ...
(Note:) This complements a series of Trav-E-Logs© sent while
traveling in Southeast Asia between Oct 16, 1999 and Jan 22, 2000.
If you are planning an inexpensive trip, here are some of my thoughts for this part of the world. Make sure to modify to suit your own personality. If you have specific questions, feel free to E-mail me. And please put me on distribution for your travelogue!

============== GLAD I TOOK THESE ITEMS ==============

============= THINGS TO TAKE NEXT TIME ============== ============== THINGS TO LEAVE HOME ============== ============== DISCUSSION and POINTERS ==============
As an alternative to convertible pants, I purchased light weight pants (22000 Rupia in Bali). Kept handy in day sack.
Wore inexpensive hiking boots when pack was on my back, but surf mocs (with socks) at all other times.
Wore flip flops in dorms.
Postage rates in Malaysia are much cheaper than Indonesia.
Ask for better currency exchange rates for bills and (American Express) traveler's checks of larger demonination (i.e. US$100).

============== THE PELNI EXPERIENCE ==============
Try to obtain a Pelni Schedule before arriving in Indonesia -- most helpful for long-range planning. This schedule gives sailing times for each ship, as well as interruptions for overhaul. Pelni has a web site (see links below) -- hopefully it will expand to show more schedule details in the future.
Their are six classes of Pelni offices; ranging from "Cabang A" which can sell just about anything, to "Cabang D" and "Sub Cabang" offices, which are highly restricted in the types of tickets they can sell.
If you must travel "Ekonomi Kelas", bring food for meals or buy at snack bar on top deck, back of ship. (Food is also sold by vendors plying the decks on some journeys.)  Bring ear plugs to use while sleeping (4 am call to prayer), and also while eating in snack bar (rock music). If traveling alone, make friends immediately for security reasons. You can't watch your backpack while in the bathroom, sleeping, etc. Security is the single most important reason to NOT travel "Ekonomi Kelas".

============== INTERNATIONAL FERRIES ==============
The show time is several hours before departure to facilitate passport control (and customs?). My experience was between Dumai and Melaka. Had to surrender passport at the ferry office in town several hours before departure, but then it was returned to me in less than 30 minutes, after which I was free to walk around town for another hour or so. When boarding the ferry, just a cursory look for declarations was made, except for folks obviously carrying commercial items. On the ferry, the passports were again collected for just a short time, then returned. Upon arrival in Melaka, the passengers just walk off the dock -- all formalities have been completed. In Dumai, we were herded through gates, but again, the process took just a few minutes.

============== E-MAIL -- This is what I did ==============

============== PHOTOS ==============
Both Kodak and Fuji 35 mm film were used. Processing was done each time a saw a respectable looking developer, then kept pictures with me, sending some of the processed film home. Requesting them to NOT cut film in 4-image strips was not always successful. All negatives seem to have scratches running along the length of the roll, although no reprints have been made. The good news is that the photos did not become moldy, and PhotoShop does wonders.

============== COSTS ==============
After paying for round trip airfare and medical necessities, my budget was $100 per week. This permits some luxury items, but not many. About 25% was spent on clothing, traditional clothing, batik paintings, CDs, Ikat, etc. If traveling as a pair, lodging costs will only be slightly less.

============== LINKS OF INTEREST ==============
(ii jendela removed -link inactive)
(mkmarina removed - link inactive)

============== CLICK FOR MORE SOUNDS ==============
Gamelan music, "Colenak". (May take a few minutes to load, but you can save and play it over.)
Gekko recording 3
Gekko recording 4

Send e-mail to Bill at the Juno.com address dancer2seasia

 Last Page: Credits