Bamboo Homes in Myanmar

Zebra Diamond on Mandalay Hill At last in 2005 the opportunity to travel in Southeast Asia returns. Southern China is visited, followed by Laos and Thailand. Bamboo panels are spotted occasionally while traveling by bus or train, but most are a simple woven pattern. Myanmar is next on the itinerary, where the mystery began to unravel. Lots of bamboo construction is seen, not all of the simple designs. These three shots are taken while climbing Mandalay Hill. Note the double diamond pattern in the upper right photo?
Step Design on Mandalay HillRandom Step on Mandalay Hill

Then on the way to Bagan, a side trip to Mt. Popa greets me with a beautiful double diamond pattern on the front of a shop. A welcome walk from the guest house permitted some photos that evening, but I decided to return the next afternoon to get shots in daylight. Bamboo Shop at Mt. Popa  Mt. Popa Shop

Several more photos are taken while walking through town. It has become obvious that intricate bamboo designs are woven in Myanmar as well as on the island of Flores in Indonesia.
Diagonal Diamond Concentric Squares
Double Diamond Waves Over Double Diamond

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Old S.E.Asian Civilizations