Trav-E-Log ©
Backpacking Asia and Africa
I hope you enjoy this site as much as I enjoyed placing it on the web for all to see. As a result of this effort, my only desire is that more folks turn off the TV, grab a backpack and head overseas.
 Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, ?
Updated: 30 Mar 2016 |
Update plan: Apr 2016 |
Updated: 25 Mar 2016 |
 Zambia, and South Africa
 Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Laos, Singapore
Update plan: May 2016 |
Update plan: mid 2016 |
Updated: 7 Dec 2015 |
 China, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Malaysia
 Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia
 Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand
Updated: 31 Oct 2006 |
Completed |
Completed |
Special Topics
The site is divided into multiple paths: nine visits identified on photos above by date, and four special topics. "Updated" is a flag to identify changes in content. Note that if interested in a particular country, return to this Trav-E-Log home page to view additional visits to that country.
The Special Topics path of Backpacking Hints is where you will find information about planning your own journey. The Civilizations area, however, is turning out to be a much larger task than originally planned. My intent is to show representative photos of each temple complex, indicating similarities and differences, but have stumbled over how to present this on a web site. How do you compare one complex in Viet Nam to over 2000 in Bagan?
Enough introduction -- click on a Visit or Special Topic to begin your virtual trip!
Questions? Contact me at the address Dancer2SEAsia.